第一轮陈述-2016“外研社杯” 全国英语演讲大赛季军,浙江工业大学俞婧瑶决赛视频cut | Why Do We Go to Uni



  • 艾羅弋:感谢分享 偶然看到这个视频 评委问得比较锋利 但这位同学演讲内容确实很有局限性 而且她基本上没有搞懂为啥评委会问她那些问题 也没能正面回答 她基本内容是读大学的意义 大约就是说到 可以享受教学资源 更好发展个人 为未来做准备 认识自己和世界(其实认识世界这个点很好 但是只是最后提了一下而已)她的出发点其实没错,觉得很多人荒废大学时光,想呼吁大家珍惜机会,努力学习。但是,评委所想的格局更大。这位同学用了很多没有大学,我就不能···的句式,实际上也就让人认为,没读大学就不能拥有这些能力。但评委第一个问题就是,你凭什么可以代表大众?(言下之意,每个人处境和想法不一样,不是你的选择就是更好的选择,同时,教育存在资源分配不均匀,有人想读书也读不到,比如贫苦学生,而且大学差异大,不是人人都能享受到一样的教育资源,但是这位同学没看到这一层面。)后面评委问大学究竟意义何在?她也只是说,学习资源更好等,没有提到更多的层面(例如更好认识世界 学会学习知识 学会多角度看问题 同情心 同理心 还有回馈社会等等)。还有一个问题是,评委说,你并不能自证读大学就是最好的选择,还有其他,比如远程教学,先工作几年再读书等。这个问题也没能回答。就感觉还是一个象牙塔的学生吧,思想没啥深度和广度,也没有人文关怀,观点有点绝对,而且基本只有观点,没有论证。(最后,她比我大二的时候,可优秀太多了。)
  • 紫不語:(接上)research, we acquire ways of assembling and processing information. By joining students' union, we learn how to cooperate and work with others effectively. And by attending all of those lectures and workshops in different topics, we gain profound knowledge and cultivate our critical thinking. By internalizing all of those comprehensive abilities, we gradually shaped our values and built our characters. We go to university also for higher platform of self-realization. Without the university, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy all of those free learning resources and achieve spiritual enhancement. Without the university, I wouldn't have been able to represent my city and work for the G20 Summit as well as the World Internet Conference as a volunteer. Without the university, I wouldn't have been able to stand on this stage, expressing my ideas to all of you freely. And that's why we go to university which is designed to be a place of cultivating personal growth
  • 紫不語:(最后)and expansion. Some people may argue that what we learn in the university may not be applied to our future career, but remember, ladies and gentlemen, university is not merely for training, but also for education in the understanding of ourselves, others as well as the world we are living in. Thank you very much!
  • 真的爱喝绿豆汤:我们老师让看的[大哭][大哭][大哭]
  • 糯米鸡只有糯米没有鸡:without university…的排比句不足以说服大众