


  • 狐怨鸳:这个故事讲的是“意志”在逐渐崩塌的“幻想”之中挣扎最后消散的故事,意志是坚定的,从一开始到最后,都从未有过怀疑,不断在崩塌的幻想之中追寻、疑问 寻找着自己的真实性,但是幻想总是快了意志一步,到了最后,幻想化为了清晰的现实,意志终于找到了“真相”,在清晰的火光之中,故事结束......玛德编的我差点就信了hhhhha
  • 是叶子酱:抑郁症,世界开始改变,周围的一切都是坟墓
  • 三島由GIF:感觉是某种精神疾病的患者的自白,文中的“你”指的就是死亡吧。一直在痛苦中彷徨,直到“你”也就是死亡,带来了和平。
  • 超神秘人:往往只有痛苦的人才能看到最纯粹的本质,而正常人却只能看到表象。 别人说“我希望世界和平” 而我说“如果你知道世界和平的真正含义,我想你就不会那么说了。” 世界和平=所有生命灭绝
  • 卢氏罗曼蒂克:发弹幕太麻烦了。我就直接打出来吧。 What it is this?I don't recognize this.Pain broken and took it all.Took the song from the spring time and dance from the flame.Took the noon day warmth from the morning hush.Now the ground spining beneath me.The roots are run cloning.The trees are leave less. The sky is torn off.My breath is broken feather,there's no beauty left.There's nothing here for me,I'm paper-thing.I'm in a room of shadow and it's caving in.I'm turning in circle,i'm giving up.The world is get dizzier,sense is gone.The floor is an ocean I'm sinking.Where are you now?where is your touch?where is the reason?the answer?the end?Now I'm chasing your shadow and I grasping for questions.I'm calling out.I'm asking why.When I turn your turn.When I reach your reach.Searing burn you wait for me,dress my tears and kiss it,cradle my grief,touch me in the silence,hold me in the heat.And when the ragings rush drown me in defeat.I made my bed of dust.And you lie with me.
