Christian - That's The Way It Is (cover) -- Red Dead Redemption 2 Soundtrack-荒野大镖客2 亚瑟命运终曲 That's The Way It Is - Christian



  • 迈卡_贝尔:The many miles we walked 我们走过千山万水 The many things we learned 我们学过千事万物 The building of a shrine 神殿的建筑 Only just to burn 不过只为燃烧 May the wind be at your back 愿你一路顺风 Good fortune touch your hand 好运握在手中 May the cards lay out a straight 希望手中的牌可以连成同花顺 All from your command 一切都能如你所愿 That's the way it is 这条路就是这样 That's the way it is 这条路就是这样 That's the way it is 就是这样 That's the way it is 就是这样 Blue heron leaves the northern sky 蓝鹭在北边的天际留下一痕 Trusts the journey to new heights 踏上追求真我的新旅程 What's the meaning of the scar 这些伤痕代表着什么? If we don't learn how to heal 不让伤口愈合 Should we ever be apart? 我们应否从此分离? Then how does it feel? 这样的感受又是怎样? That's the way it is 这条路就是这样 That's the way it is 这条路就是这样 That's the way it is 就是这样 That's the way it is 就是这样 Shine bright into darkness 在黑暗中闪耀 Shine bright into darkness 在黑暗中绽放 That's the way it is 这条路就是这样 That's the way it is 就是这样...... Philia to Arthur
  • Alice和夜航星:我感觉要是一开始就能把迈卡崩了,我的荣誉条能顶到最右边[小电视_笑]
  • 大块儿菠萝:亚瑟在我心里已经是个有血有肉真实存在的人了,他死的时候我哭了。
  • 时空旅行少女亚兰姬:亚瑟虽然曾经也是和达奇一起到处抢劫,手上也许沾满了各种护卫警察的鲜血,但最后却被他效忠的帮派背叛,带着疾病在山顶上咽气,或许对于那个时代的平民来说,少了一个极其厉害的亡命之徒,但他的死亡是极其悲惨的,自己喜欢的人最后也没能在一起,帮派大家庭最后也支离破碎,努力了一辈子的东西烟消云散[蛆音娘_哭泣]
  • 野山之爱:| E B #Cm A | #Cm B #Cm A |