自製歌詞版 - SINGLE-046 - 卡西尼 Cassini CE sub (MV)-【双语字幕】【周深×唐汉霄】【《卡西尼Cassini》 NASA影片饭制MV 】ch/eng Subs



  • 周深国际站:1997年,卡西尼号发射升空,探索土星系统和可能存在的地外生命。2017年9月15日,在太空孤航了二十年之后,卡西尼号完成了使命,也耗尽了最后一滴燃料。为了不破坏土星卫星上可能存在的生命环境,卡西尼号冲入了土星大气层燃烧成土星的一部分,自我焚毁。这是人类跨入空间时代以来的伟大启程和谢幕。而在我看来,卡西尼号就像我们肉身的旅程,有时间的限制,起点和终点极其的相似,到底有什么才能证明我们真的来过,就像卡西尼焚毁后的尘埃,答案本身没有答案…” ——@唐漢霄 "Launched in 1997, Cassini started exploring the Saturn system and possible life in the solar system. On September 15, 2017, after 20 years of solitary journey in space, Cassini has accomplished its mission after exhausting its fuel supply. In order to prevent any risk of contaminating a potentially habitable Saturn moon, Cassini plunged into Saturn’s upper atmosphere and burned itself up. This is the grand opening as well as finale since humanity entered the era of space. To me, Cassini resembles the journey of our physical bodies, which also have time frames with a similar beginning and ending. What on earth can prove that we have really been here? There’s no true answer by itself, just like the ashes after Cassini burned up." ——Tang Hanxiao
  • 周深国际站:坠入属于你的王国 Falling into your kingdom 燃烧所有你的余火 Burning up all residues 再见吧 卡西尼 20年间群星闪耀,不悔在宇宙走一遭。 终点亦会是起点,肉身躯壳只是旅程。
  • 夏花的醉蝶花:英文好棒😭爱了爱了,继续加油呀!
  • 蛮宅姐姐:完美完美完美
  • -清透的清-:好棒!!!