the end-【"波兹女士,请别难过,死亡也是人生经历的一部分" 】



  • 丑爵66:托尼最害怕的还是来了,大家都死了,只有他一个人还活着。
  • 雪上XUES:有生之年,我想看x-man回归漫威 我想看复仇者联盟大战x-战警 我想看贱 虫 毒液三人同镜 我想看狼叔再战10年 我想看x-23女承父业 我想看神奇四侠入复联 我想看的还有好多 有生之年 等你啊漫威[2233娘_耶]
  • 正方形的地球仪:hey Miss Potts If you find this recording dont fell bad about this Part of thr journy is the end just for the record,being a drift in space with zero promise of rescue is more fun then sound food and water ran out four days ago when i drift off,i will dream about you I'm not ready no one ever is we dont get to choose our time Death is what gives life meaning to know your days are numberd your time is short death,is not the end is more of a shepping point you reach out with both hands and Bast and Sekhmet and lead you into the green veldt where you could run firever Id finally rest,and watch the sun rise on a greatful universe the hardest choise require the strongest wills there was no other way we are the Avengers we can bust armes dealers all the live long day but...that up there,thats...thats the end game what the hell was happening? I dont feel so good how are you guys planning on beating that Together .....
  • Shapuvavolv:出处找到了 油管一位叫Slyfer2812的up主 名字就叫 part of journey is the end 顶我上去让更多人看见[小电视_笑][小电视_笑][小电视_笑]
  • 你蛋总_:一定是预告“ 骗”,还是不相信漫威把铁人安排流浪致死,惊奇队长那个唯一的选择不可能没有妮妮