


  • 剪刀手OneDay:感谢大家对小蓝蓝的支持! 当然如果这条评论能成热评就更好了!
  • Crazy-face:晚上开出租,上来一个不省人事的妹子,看着 她熟睡的面庞,我心想送上门的便宜不占白 不占。然后往树林方向开去...等她醒过来,一 定不会发现.……我绕路多收她20块钱!哈哈哈
  • 民政局年: blibli封面提取 我想上热评
  • 吴亦凡星河国际工作室:三连支持,并科普一下[响指] 这首歌真的好听,而且歌词挺震撼的!!! [点赞][点赞][点赞] Champion (冠军) - Fall Out Boy Champion champion 我就是那卫冕冠军 I'm calling you from the future 我呼唤未来的你 To let you know we've made a mistake 你要知道 我们犯了个错误 And there's a fog from the past that's giving me giving me such a headache 过往曾经如将我笼罩的迷雾 让我烦扰不已 And I'm back with a madness 心事重重的重新回归 I am a champion 我就是那卫冕冠军 Of the people who don't believe in champions 但人们不相信我 I've got nothing but dreams 除了虚幻一梦 我一无所有 I'm just young enough to still believe still believe 年轻的我依然坚信我所相信的 Young enough not to know what to believe in 太过天真 不知该坚信什么 I got rage everyday on the inside 我内心每日都愤怒不已 The only thing I do is sit around and kill time 但我却一直无所事事 浪费时间 I'm trying to blow out the pilot light 我试图熄灭那前路的指示灯 I'm just young enough to still believe still believe 年轻的我依然坚信我所相信 Young enough not to know what to believe in 太过天真 不知该坚信什么 If I can live through this 如果我经受住这样的考验 I can do anything 我将无所不能
  • 龙玄Crazy:交出封面,饶你不死