I went VEGAN for 30 DAYS. Here's What HAPPENED. ?-《生酮圣经》作者尝试vegan 30天后发生了什么?I went VEGAN for 30 DAYS. Here's W



  • debbyyuan:In June 2019 I did a month-long carnivore experiment. I set out to test everything possible including blood work, microbiome, body composition, etc. If you are interested in those results you can check them out here: https://youtu.be/5vPMKpfzyfA Thus, it was only fitting that I started 2020 with a month-long vegan experiment. I went into this month with a very open mind. In fact, though I typically eat pretty strict ketogenic, I stayed lower carb for the month of December as I knew it would be extremely difficult to stay keto on a vegan diet. Thus, I did my best to stay low carb and monitored this with a continuous glucose monitor for the first two weeks.
  • debbyyuan:As you will see, my body composition results turned out to be ……… less than ideal. Make sure you watch all the way through to see my final results and explanation for what I think was going on. STAY TUNED for Part 2 coming. To all my plant-based friends, don’t worry, it appears to get better. In Part 2 I’ll be sharing my blood results as well as my microbiome results as well as answer some of the questions people have here on Part 1.