


  • 佃煮海苔男Official:在座各位的老婆又来唱歌了[蛆音娘_吃惊]
  • 没死就有希望:歌曲歌词 Open my eyes in morning rain And gently find out black shoes Clouds are slowly drifting by who is crying under the sky It’s maybe the slowest bus. Which colour for her is right? And I see all the teenagers ‘ eyes, you tell me they are tough and red. Say, say it again, sometimes the memory was winding my mind. Say, say it again, you know the past things could set me free. Put up you in sandwiches hands, oh I think it not really cool You tell me truth will not be here, I’ve found it in your eyes. It’s maybe the slowest bus. Which colour for her is right? And I see all the teenagers ‘ eyes, you tell me they are tough and red. Say, say it again, sometimes the memory was winding my mind. Say, say it again, you know the past things could set me free
  • 1219丶香菇酱:我妈妈居然和提莫妈妈认识啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 前天和妈妈去他们家串门 说好久没见面了 结果到了之后我一脸懵逼开门的是提莫?吃完饭坐在客厅里聊天 提莫妈妈说我俩留个微信改天出去玩吧 我终于可以给朋友们炫耀我和提莫一起吃过饭还留了微信 真的太开心了 编的我自己都差点信了
  • 斑与夏:我记得某天直播提莫说过这样一句话“我不是很擅长很快的学习一首歌,但是我愿意为你们很快的学习一首歌”这样真心的小姐姐谁不爱呢[害羞]
  • 星玥Xin:好听[星星眼]