爱剪辑-adfdsfdsafdsfdsafdsaf_20171170295-【AMV】怪诞小镇——Fall Out Boy - Novocaine



  • 取个名字也太难了_:好棒!Bill好帅O(≧▽≦)O 不过这么棒的视频为什么没人看ಠ╭╮ಠ
  • 小哥的腿毛:嗷嗷嗷嗷无限循环,梅宝哭然后迪普表情换成比尔呢点帅炸!!!小心脏戳死
  • 黑花生仁:想要视频和素材视频的请自取 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hsbWKNM
  • 鲨鲨不能吃:姐弟关系搞不清的那些以为是兄妹的那些。在怪诞小镇里面都有说,梅宝比迪普早出生5分钟。所以是姐弟关系不是兄妹
  • biliDesire:Novocaine - Fall Out Boy This is a black, black ski mask song 这是一首劫匪的歌 So put all of your anger on 所以愤怒吧 In the truly gruesome do we trust 我们还能相信严峻的现实吗 I will always land on you like a sucker punch 我总是出其不意向你攻击 Singing I am the worst, I am the worst nightmare 我高唱,我就是你最恐怖的梦魇 I am the worst, I am the worst nightmare 我是你最恐怖的梦魇 If you knew, knew what the bluebirds sang at you, you 如果你知道青鸟在唱些什么 We'd never sing along 你也就不会跟着一起唱了 Cast them out cause this is our culture 驱逐群众,这是我们的一贯作风 These new flats are nothing but vultures 人们成群结队,就像围着腐肉的秃鹫 Because they took our love and they filled me up 因为他们夺走了爱,随后又将其填满 Filled me up with novocaine and now I'm just stuck 用麻醉剂填满爱,我已麻木了 Now I'm just stuck 此刻,我已麻木了 And they took my name, I'm just a son of a gun 他们奈何不了我,我是超级坏蛋 So don't stop, don't stop until your heart goes numb 别停下,继续,直到心脏** Now I'm just stuck 此刻,我已麻木了 Don't feel a thing for you 没有任何感觉